Monday, February 21, 2011


Diva Artist Management is disappointed to announce that the Jason Derulo Show that was sheduled in San Diego is not going to happen.  We have been informed that the show was a scam by a local promoter in San Diego.

We would like to apologize to Jason Derulo and all of his team for any inconvenience we may have caused.  DAM was only involved in any promotions for this supposed event because we were asked to have our artist perform for the show by the local San Diego promoter.  We then signed a contract with 4th and B to have a certain number of tickets sold for the event to be able to have our artist perform.  We physically had picked up printed tickets by venue and had them in hand. Then, we were informed that the show was canceled at 4th and B and moved to another venue at On Broadway.  We declined to have have anything to do with the show at On Broadway.

Jason Derulo posted on FaceBook today "San Diego! There's a fraudulent concert being promoted @ 4th and B! There is no show there or any other venue on the 25th. I had no involvement, and apologize for ppls evil ways. Legal matters will be taken!" 

Again, we had no idea that this event was not legitimate and was under the impression that all parties involved had their contracts in order or else we would not have participated in any of this nonsense.  Please accept our apologies to all of Jason's fans and also to Marcus' fans all around the world. 

DAM would like to keep its reputation as being a legitimate business as we have much integrity in everything we do for our artists.

4th and B, DAM and all other ticket vendors will offer a full refund when returned to original place of purchase.

DAM - Diva Artist Management

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